Contact info |
Professor A. Liakopoulos
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Thessaly. |
Volos, GR-38334, Greece
Phone: +30- 2-4210-74111
Fax: +30- 2-4210-74169
e-mail: |
List of Publications |
A. Liakopoulos: “Fluid Mechanics”, Tziolas Publications (in greek), 2010. ISBN 978-960-418-324-1
A. Liakopoulos: “Hydraulics. Flow in closed conduits. Hydraulic Machinery” (in greek), Tziolas Publications, (2nd edition) 2014. ISBN 978-960-418-450-7
A. Liakopoulos: “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Lecture Notes, University of Thessaly, 2009.
P.G. Simpkins and A. Liakopoulos: “Stability of Convective Flows,'' ASME Press, 1992.
A.G. Kungolos, A. B. Liakopoulos, et al.: ‘Protection and Restoration of the Environment VI’, Proceedings of an International Conference, Skiathos, Greece, July 1-5, 2002, Greece, Volumes I, ΙΙ, ΙΙΙ.
A. B. Liakopoulos, A.G. Kungolos, G.P. Korfiatis : ‘Protection and Restoration of the Environment’, special issue “Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus” (WAFO), Kluwer Publications, 2003.
A. Liakopoulos, Β. Kanakoudis, et al.: Proceedings of the 1st Joint Conference EYE-EEDYP, Volumes I,II, Volos, May 17-30, 2009. |
T.E. Karakasidis and A. Liakopoulos, “Understanding slip at the nanoscale in fluid flows using atomistic simulations”, in “Detection of pathogens using micro- and nano-technology”, G. Zuccheri, N. Asproulis (eds.), International Water Association, IWA Publishing, 2012.
A. Liakopoulos and C.C. Hsu: "On a Class of Compressible Laminar Boundary - Layer Flows and the Solution Behaviour Near Separation," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 149, December 1984, pp. 339-353. |
A. Liakopoulos: "Explicit Representations of the Complete Velocity Profile in a Turbulent Boundary Layer," AIAA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 1984, pp. 844-846. |
A. L.iakopoulos: "Computation of High Speed Turbulent Boundary - Layer Flows Using the k-å Turbulence Model," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1985, pp. 81-97. |
A. Liakopoulos and W. H. Boykin: "Singular Perturbation Analysis of Speed Controlled Reciprocating Compressors," the Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 111, No. 2, June 1989, pp. 313 - 321.
D. Brzakovic, A. Liakopoulos and L. Hong: "Spline Models for Boundary Detection/Description: Formulation and Performance Evaluation," CGVIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, Vol. 53, No. 4, July 1991, pp. 392-401. |
P. A. Blythe and A. Liakopoulos, E. Haruta: "Thermally Driven Flows at Low Prandtl Numbers: An Extension of the Prandtl-Batchelor Theorem", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 33, No. 12, pp. 1699-1711, 1995. |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "The Role of Variable Viscosity in the Stability of the Channel Flow", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 837-847, 1995. |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "Stability of Two-Layer Poiseuille Flow of Carreau-Yasuda and Bingham-Like Fluids", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 57, pp. 227-241, 1995. |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "The Effect of Variable Viscosity on the Interfacial Stability of Two-Layer Poiseuille Flow", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 6, June, pp. 1318-1324, 1995. |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "On the Influence of Temperature and Viscosity Fluctuations on Interfacial Instability", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 485-493, 1996. |
P. G. Simpkins and A. Liakopoulos: "Eddy Structures in a Slot with Periodic Heating", Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 203-237, 1997.
H. Gunes, A. Liakopoulos, and R. A. Sahan: "Low-Dimensional Description of Oscillatory Thermal Convection: The Small Prandtl Number Limit'', Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-16, 1997. |
H. Gunes, R. A. Sahan, and A. Liakopoulos: "Spatio-Temporal Structures of Buoyancy-Induced Flow in a Vertical Channel", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 51-62, 1997.
A. Liakopoulos, P. A. Blythe, and H. Gunes: "A Reduced Dynamical Model of Convective Flows in Tall Laterally Heated Cavities'', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 453, pp. 663-672, 1997. |
R. A. Sahan, A. Liakopoulos, and H. Gunes: "Reduced Dynamical Models of Nonisothermal Grooved Channel Flow", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 551-565, 1997.
M. Watson, A. Liakopoulos, D. Brzakovic, and C. Georgakis: "A Practical Assessment of Process Data Compression Techniques", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 267-274, 1998. |
R. A. Sahan, H. Gunes, and A. Liakopoulos: "A Modeling Approach to Transitional Channel Flow", Computers and Fluids, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 121-136, 1998.
K. Cipolla, A. Liakopoulos, and D. O. Rockwell: "Quantitative Imaging in Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Flow Past a Delta Wing", AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1247-1255, 1998. |
Á. Oztekin, L. J. Cumbo, A. Liakopoulos: "Temporal Stability of Boundary-Free Shear Flows: The Effect of Diffusion," Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 77-90, 1999. |
H. Gunes and A.Liakopoulos: "Three - dimensional convective cooling in a vertical channel with flush - mounted heat sources," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46(5), pp 791-808, 2003.
T. E. Karakasidis and A. B. Liakopoulos: "Two-regime dynamical behavior in Lennard-Jones systems: Spectral and Rescaled Range Analysis", Physical A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 333, pp.225-240, 2004. |
T. E. Karakasidis, N. Cholevas, A. B. Liakopoulos: "Parallel Short Range Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Computer Clusters: Performance Evaluation and Modeling," Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 42, pp. 783-798, 2005 |
Y. Kim, D. Rockwell and A. Liakopoulos: "Quantitative flow interpretation of vortex buffeting on an aircraft tail via proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)", AIAA Journal, Vol. 43(3) pp.550-559, 2005. |
T.E. Karakasidis, A. Fragkou, A. Liakopoulos: "System dynamics revealed by recurrence quantification analysis: Application to molecular dynamics simulations", Physical Review E 76 (2): Art. No. 021120 Part 1 Aug. 2007. |
Filippos Sofos, Theodoros Karakasidis, Antonios Liakopoulos: 'Transport properties of liquid argon in krypton nanochannels: Anisotropy and non-homogeneity introduced by the solid walls', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, pp. 735-743, 2009. |
T. Karakasidis, F. Sofos, A. Liakopoulos: ''Non- equilibrium molecular dynamics investigation of parameters affecting planer nanochannel flows'', Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 2, no. 6. pp. 283-298, 2009.
T. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, A. Fragou, P. Papanicolaou: ''Recurrence quantification analysis of temperature fluctuations in a horizontal round heated turbulent jet,'' International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 2487-2498, 2009.
F. Sofos, T. E. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, "Effects of wall roughness on flow in nanochannels", Physical Review E, 79, 026305, 2009.
F. Sofos, T. E. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, ''Effect of wall roughness on shear viscosity and diffusion in nanochannels'', International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 53, pp. 3839-3846, 2010. |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T. E. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Dissipative Particle Dynamics: Investigation of Parameters Affecting Planar Nanochannel Flows’’, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol.. 176, no. 19, pp. 1574-1579, 2011. |
F. Sofos, T. E. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Surface wettability effects on flow in rough wall nanochannels’’, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol.12, pp. 25-31, 2012. |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T.E. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Dissipative Particle Dynamics study of flow in periodically grooved nanochannels’’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 68, Issue 9, pp. 1156–1172, 2012. |
A.E. Giannakopoulos, F. Sofos, T.Ε. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Unified description of size effects of transport properties of liquids flowing in nanochannels’’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, pp. 5087-5092, 2012. |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Fluid flow at the nanoscale: How fluid properties deviate from the bulk’’, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 457-460, 2013. |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Parameters affecting slip length at the nanoscale’’, Journal of Computational & Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 10, pp.1-3, 2013. |
F. Sofos, T.Ε. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, “How wall properties control diffusion in grooved nanochannels: a molecular dynamics study”, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, 8, pp.1081-1088, 2013. |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T.E. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, “Mesoscopic simulation of fluid flow in periodically grooved microchannels”, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 74, pp. 91–101, 2013. |
A.E. Giannakopoulos, F. Sofos, T.Ε. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, “A quasi-continuum multi-scale theory for self-diffusion and fluid ordering in nanochannel flows”, accepted for publication, Microfluidics Nanofluidcs. |
A. Charakopoulos, T.E. Karakasidis, P. Papanicolaou, A Liakopoulos, “The application of complex network time series analysis in turbulent heated jets”, accepted for publication, Chaos. |
A. Charakopoulos, T.E. Karakasidis, P. Papanicolaou, A Liakopoulos, “Non-linear time series analysis and clustering for jet axis identification in vertical turbulent heated jets”, accepted for publication, Physical Review E. |
CP-1 |
C.C. Hsu and A. Liakopoulos: "A Finite Element-Differential Method for a Class of Compressible Laminar Boundary-Layer Flows," in Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, C. Taylor and B.A. Schrefler, eds., Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., 1981, pp. 497-504. |
CP-2 |
C.C. Hsu and A. Liakopoulos: "Nonsimilar Solution of Compressible Laminar Boundary-Layer Flows by a Semi-Discretization Method," in Finite Element Flow Analysis, T. Kawai, ed., University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, Japan, 1982, pp. 395-401. |
CP-3 |
A. Liakopoulos and C.C. Hsu: "Prediction of Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows with a k-å Closure Model by a Semi-Discretization Method," in Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics and their Impact on Civil Engineering Practice, W. F. Chen and A.D.M. Lewis, eds., ASCE 1983, pp. 1202-1205. |
CP-4 |
A. Liakopoulos and C.C. Hsu: "Ïn a Class of Compressible Laminar Boundary-Layer Flows," 16th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Lyngby, Denmark, August 19-25, 1984. |
CP-5 |
A. Liakopoulos and D. Brzakovic: "Spline Based Sequential Estimation of Boundaries in Digital Images," Proc. of the 22nd Annual Allerton Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, October 3-5, 1984, pp. 792-793. |
CP-6 |
D. Brzakovic and A. Liakopoulos: "Measurement Models for Sequential Estimation of Boundaries in Digital Images," Proc. of IASTED International Symposium on Applied Signal Processing and Digital Filtering, Paris, France, June 19-21, 1985, pp. 168-171. |
CP-7 |
D. Brzakovic and A. Liakopoulos: "Estimation Theory Based Segmentation of Texture Images," in Advances in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, V. Cappellini and R. Marconi, eds., North Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 234-238. |
CP-8 |
D. Brzakovic and A. Liakopoulos: "Sequential Estimation of Boundaries in Texture Images," Proc. of Vision Interface '86, Vancouver, Canada, May 27-30, 1986, pp. 366-369. |
CP-9 |
L. Hong, D. Brzakovic and A. Liakopoulos: "Boundary Detection in a Texture-based Vision System," Proc. of IECON '87, Cambridge, Mass., 1987, pp. 676-681. |
CP-10 |
L. Hong, D. Brzakovic and A. Liakopoulos: "Boundary Detection in Digital Images Based on Spline Functions and Estimation Theory," Proc. of the 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, Cal., 1987, pp. 1048-1049. |
CP-11 |
A. Liakopoulos: "Pseudospectral Solutions of Separated Flows," Proc. of the First National Fluid Dynamics Congress (NFDC), Cincinnati, Ohio, July 24-28, 1988, pp. 207-214. |
CP-12 |
A. Liakopoulos: "A Spectral Collocation Solution Algorithm for the Unsteady, Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations - An Artificial Compressibility Formulation," Fifth Annual Forum on Unsteady Flow at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 28-December 2, 1988, pp. 43-46. |
CP-13 |
A. Liakopoulos: "Spectral Methods for Attached and Separated Compressible Boundary-Layer Flows," Seventh International Conference on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, Huntsville, Alabama, April 3-7, 1989, pp. 1440-1445. |
CP-14 |
A. Liakopoulos: "Unsteady Separation at High Reynolds Numbers," Β' Εθνικό Συνέδριο Μηχανικής, Αθήνα, Ιούνιος 1989, pp. 782-789. |
CP-15 |
A. Liakopoulos, P.A. Blythe and P.G. Simpkins: "Convective Flows in Tall Cavities," in Simulation and Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer, HTD - Vol. 157, A. F. Emery, ed., ASME 1990, pp. 81 - 87. |
CP-16 |
A. Liakopoulos, X. Huang and P.A. Blythe: "Buoyancy Driven Motions Due to a Vertical Array of Heat Sources", in Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment, HDT - Vol. 171, ASME Press, 1991, pp. 63-69. |
CP-17 |
H. Gunes and A. Liakopoulos: "Three-dimensional Convective Cooling in a Vertical Channel with Protruding Heat Sources," in Advances in Electronic Packaging, EEP-vol.4-2, ASME Press, 1993, pp. 755-767. |
CP-18 |
X. Huang and A. Liakopoulos: "Convective Flow and Heat Transfer in Tall Enclosures with Flush-Mounted Heat Sources," in Advances in Electronics Packaging, EEP-vol. 4-2, ASME Press, 1993, pp. 769-778. |
CP-19 |
A. Liakopoulos and G.W. Brown: "Thermocapillary and Natural Convection in a Square Cavity," AMD - vol. 170, in Surfaces-Tension-Driven Flows, ASME Press, 1993, pp. 57-74. |
CP-20 |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "Stability Analysis of Interfaces in Two-Layer, Inelastic-Fluid Flows: Applications to Coextrusion Processes," in Transport Phenomena in Non-conventional Manufacturing and Materials Processing, HTD-vol. 259, ASME Press, 1993, pp. 113-125. |
CP-21 |
A. Liakopoulos: "Stability of Interfaces in Coextrusion Processes," NSF Grantees Conference, MIT, Jan. 5-7, 1994, pp. 601-602. |
CP-22 |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "Interface Deformation in Coextrusion on Non-Newtonian Melts: Transient and Steady States", in Advances in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) of Polymer Processing, ASME Press, pp. 357-374, 1994. |
CP-23 |
R. A. Sahan, H. Gunes, and A. Liakopoulos: "Low-Dimensional Models for Coupled Momentum and Energy Transport Problems", in Cooling and Thermal Design of Electronic Systems, C. H. Amon, ed., HTD-Vol. 319/EEP-Vol. 15, 1995 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, pp. 1-15. |
CP-24 |
M. Watson, A. Liakopoulos, D. Brzakovic, and C. Georgakis: "Wavelet Techniques in the Compression of Process Data", American Control Conference, Seattle WA, pp. 1265-1269, June, 1995. |
CP-25 |
D. Brzakovic, N. Vujovic and A. Liakopoulos: ``Model-based Inspection of Texture Web Materials,'' Proc. of Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection, SPIE-2423, February 1995, pp. 267-276. |
CP-26 |
H. Gunes, R. A. Sahan, and A. Liakopoulos: "Low-Dimensional Representation of Transitional Buoyancy-Driven Flow in a Vertical Channel with Discrete Heaters", Proceedings of the 1995 National Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 1, A. Ortega and S. P. Mulay, eds., ASME HTD-Vol. 303, ASME Press, pp. 125-137. |
CP-27 |
A. Pinarbasi and A. Liakopoulos: "Heat Transfer Effects on the Stability of Plane Poiseuille Flow", Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division, FED-Vol. 234, D. C. Wiggert and F. J. Moody, eds., 1995 International Mechanical Engineering Congress, pp. 287-296. |
CP-28 |
R. A. Sahan, D. C. Albin, N. K. Sahan, and A. Liakopoulos: "Artificial Neural Network-Based Low-Order Dynamical Modeling and Intelligent Control of Transitional Flow Systems", Sixth IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Hartford, CT, 1997. |
CP-29 |
A. Liakopoulos: "Low-Dimensional Models of Environmental Flows", Proceedings of an Intl. Conference, Protection and Restoration of the Environment IV, Xalkidiki, Greece, eds. K. L. Katsifarakis, G. P. Korfiatis, et al., 1998, pp. 241-248. |
CP-30 |
T. E. Karakasidis and A. B. Liakopoulos: "Dynamics of a Lennard-Jones Liquid-Solid revealed by time series analysis" 15th Summer School Conference on "Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos and Complexity" 19-30 August 2002, Patras Greece. |
CP-31 |
T. E. Karakasidis and A. B. Liakopoulos: "Characteristic scale extraction in continuum and atomistic fluid simulations", Proceedings of International Conference on the Influence of Traditional Mathematics and Mechanics on Modern Science and Technology, Messini, G. Shih and C. Spyropoulos, Eds. Greece, 24-28/5/2004, pp. 147-153. |
CP-32 |
T. E. Karakasidis and A. B. Liakopoulos: "Short-time Dynamical Behavior of Fluids at the atomic Scale", XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (organized by IUTAM), Warsaw, Poland, 15-21/8/2004. |
CP-33 |
Laspidou C.S., A. Liakopoulos and V. Vaina: "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Primary Productivity in the Constructed Wetland of Carla, Greece," Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Chania, Greece, 3-7 July 2006. |
CP-34 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis and A. Liakopoulos: ''Variation of transport properties across nanochannels: a study by non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics", IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Micro and Nanofluidics, Dresden, Germany, 6-8 September 2007. |
CP-35 |
T. Karakasidis, A. Fragou and A. Liakopoulos: ''Nonlinear Analysis of Nestos River Water Level Time Series'', Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX (PRE9), Kefalonia, Greece, 29 June- 3 July 2008.
CP-36 |
Laspidou C.S., V. Vaina and A. Liakopoulos: ''A detailed ecosystem model of phosphorus dynamics in the constructed wetland Carla in Central Greece'', Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX (PRE9), Kefalonia, Greece, 29 June- 3 July 2008. |
CP-37 |
Loukas, A., K. Kokkinos, L. Vasiliades, and A. Liakopoulos: ''The migration of the UTHBAL hydrologic model into OpenMI'', Proceedings of iEMSs 2008: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, 4th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs, Barcelona, pp. 1102-1109, July 6-10 2008. |
CP-38 |
Kokkinos, K., P. Sidiropoulos, L. Vasiliades, A. Loukas, N. Mylopoulos, and A. Liakopoulos: ''Integrated Modelling of Surface Water and Groundwater through OpenMI: The Case of Lake Karla Watershed'', HydroEco 2009 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology, 20-23 April 2009, Vienna, Austria. |
CP-39 |
Ç. Neveskiotis, K. Tserdani, I.E. Sarris, T.E. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos: ''3-D Simulations of Flows in the Reconstituted Lake Karla, Thessaly, Greece'', 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, June 23-25, Athens, 2010. |
CP-40 |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T.E. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos: ''Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Flow in Periodically Grooved Three-Dimensional Nano channels'', 4th IC-SCCE, July 7-10, Athens, 2010. |
C-41 |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Microfluidics Simulations in Periodically Grooved Channels using Dissipative Particle Dynamics’’, 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics, Toulouse, December 2010. |
C-42 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Fluid properties in rough-wall nanochannels, 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics’’, 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics, Toulouse, December 2010. |
C-43 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Fluid flow at the nanoscale: how fluid properties deviate from the bulk’’, 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11), Thessaloniki, Greece, July 12-15, 2011. |
C-44 |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Flow in Periodically Grooved Three-Dimensional Nano- and Micro-channels’’, 3rd Micro and Nano Flows International Conference (MNF 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-24, 2011. |
C-45 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, A.E. Giannakopoulos, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘Transport properties of fluids in confined nanochannels: bridging nano to macro’’, 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-24, 2011. |
C-46 |
C. Laspidou, A. Liakopoulos and G. Spiliotopoulos, ‘‘A 2D cellular automaton biofilm detachment algorithm’’, 10th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI 2012), Santorini, Greece, September 24-27, 2012. |
C-47 |
D. Kalogianni, I.E. Sarris, A. Liakopoulos, ‘‘An OpenFoam based distributed model of water motion and water quality for the reconstituted lake Karla, Thessaly, Greece’’, 4th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), Mykonos, Greece, June 24-28, 2013. |
ΕΣ-1 |
Κανακούδης Β., Δ. Τολίκας, Α. Λιακόπουλος, “Διαρροές και Θραύσεις στα Δίκτυα Ύδρευσης”, Πρακτικά 8ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής Ένωσης, Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης Γ. Χριστοδούλου, Α. Σταμου, Αικ. Νάνου, Αθήνα 2000, pp. 51-58. |
ΕΣ-2 |
Φαφούτης Χ., Ν. Μυλόπουλος, Α. Λιακόπουλος, “Παράμετροι Διαχείρισης της Ζήτησης στον Τομέα της Ύδρευσης στη Θεσσαλία”, 9ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής Ένωσης, Θεσσαλονίκη 2002, pp. 277-284. |
ΕΣ-3 |
Φαφούτης Χ., Α. Μεντές, Ν. Μυλόπουλος, Α. Λιακόπουλος, “Διερεύνηση και Συσχέτιση Παραμέτρων Διαχείρισης της Ζήτησης Νερού σε Θεσσαλονίκη και Βόλο”, 5ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων (ΕΕΔΥΠ), Επιμέλεια έκδοσης Β.Α. Τσιχριντζής, Κ. Μπέλλος, Γ. Τσακίρης, 6-9 Απριλίου 2005, Ξάνθη, pp. 381-388. |
ΕΣ-4 |
Λασπίδου Χ.Σ., Α. Τσερδάνη και Α. Λιακόπουλος, “Επίδραση του λόγου συγκεντρώσεων (ΤΚΝ/BODL) στη διεργασία προ-απονιτροποίησης σε ΜΕΥA” Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων (ΕΕΔΥΠ), Χανιά, 14-16 Ιουνίου 2007. |
ΕΣ-5 |
Τσερδάνη Α., Ι. Σαρρής, Θ. Καρακασίδης, Α. Λιακόπουλος, “Εφαρμογή μεθόδων υπολογιστικής ρευστομηχανικής σε περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές: η περίπτωση της λίμνης Κάρλας”, Κοινό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής Ένωσης (ΕΥΕ) και Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων (ΕΕΔΥΠ), Βόλος 27-30 Μαΐου 2009. |
ΕΣ-6 |
Θ. Καρακασίδης, Φράγκου Α., Λιακόπουλος Α., “Ανάλυση γραφημάτων επαναφοράς χρονοσειρώντης στάθμης του ποταμού Νέστου”, Κοινό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Υδροτεχνικής Ένωσης (ΕΥΕ)-Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων (ΕΕΔΥΠ), Βόλος 27-30 Μαΐου 2009. |
ABSTRACTS (published as collections of abstracts) |
A-1 |
Á. Liakopoulos: "Computation of Transonic Turbulent Boundary Layers by a Semidiscrete Galerkin Method,'' SIAM Meeting, Seattle, Washington, July 16-20, 1984. |
A-2 |
Y.W. Kim, D.C. Hong, A. Liakopoulos, P. Bashus, and D. Brzakovic: "1/f Noise in Thin Wire Oscillation Experiment," presented at the 63rd Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 9-11, 1990. |
A-3 |
Y.W. Kim, D.C. Hong, A. Liakopoulos, P. Bashus and D. Brzakovic: "Wavelet Decomposition of 1/f Patterns," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 35, No. 3, 1990, p. 445. |
A-4 |
A. Liakopoulos and F. Alfitri: "Subcritical Instability and Resonant Heat Transfer in Flow Through a Confined Array of Rectangular Cylinders," presented at the XI US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Tucson, Arizona, May 21-25, 1990. |
A-5 |
P.G. Simpkins, A. Liakopoulos and P.A. Blythe: "Thermally Driven Flows in Tall Cavities,'' Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 35, No. 10, 1990, p. 2273. |
A-6 |
A. Liakopoulos, T.- H. Huang: "Wavelet-Galerkin Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics,'' Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 35, No. 10, 1990, p. 2337. |
A-7 |
A. Liakopoulos, P.A. Blythe, and P.G. Simpkins: "Spontaneous and Forced Periodic Convective Structures in Tall Cavities,'' Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 36, No. 10, 1991, p. 2713. |
A-8 |
P.G. Simpkins, J. Davis, P.A. Blythe, and A. Liakopoulos: "Natural Convection in a Tall Air - Filled Cavity: Eddy Structure,'' Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 36, No. 10, 1991, p. 2713. |
A-9 |
P.G. Simpkins, P.A. Blythe, and A. Liakopoulos: "Eddy Structures of Convective Flows,'' Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 38, No. 12, 1993, p. 2291. |
A-10 |
P.G. Simpkins and A. Liakopoulos: "Eddy Structures in a Slot with Periodic Heating,'' Heat Transfer Gallery, Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 119, 1997, p. 201. |
A-11 |
M. Watson, D. Brzakovic, and A. Liakopoulos: "Wavelet and Vector Quantization Techniques in Data Compression", 1995 AIChE Meeting, Miami Beach, FL.
A-12 |
A. Liakopoulos and P. A. Blythe: "Low-Dimensional Dynamical Models of Transitional Convective Flows", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 40, No. 12, p. 1955, 1995.
A-13 |
K. Cipolla, A. Liakopoulos, and D. O. Rockwell: "Quantitative Imaging in proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Flow Past a Delta Wing", 49th APS Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Syracuse, NY, November, 1996. |
A-14 |
A. Liakopoulos: "Structure and Dynamics of Transitional Convective flows", Thirteenth U. S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Gainesville, FL, June 21-26, 1998. |
A-15 |
Α. Λιακόπουλος, Θ. Καρακασίδης, «Προσομοίωση Ροών/Ρευστών με μη Συνήθεις Μεθόδους: Συνεχής Περιγραφή με μαθηματικά ομοιώμτα Χαμηλής Τάξης και Ατομική Περιγραφή με Μοριακή Δυναμική», 2η Ημερίδα, Ερευνητικές Δραστηριότητες στα Φαινόμενα Ροής Ρευστών στην Ελλάδα, Βόλος 22/5/2000. |
A-16 |
T. Karakasidis, N. Cholevas, A. Liakopoulos "Performance analysis of parallel molecular dynamics simulation of Lennard-Jones liquids on a small Beowulf cluster" Conference on Computational Physics CCP2001, 5-8/9/2001 Aachen, Germany. |
A-17 |
T. Karakasidis, N. Cholevas, A. Liakopoulos "Parallel molecular dynamics simulation of Lennard-Jones liquids on a small Beowulf cluster", International Conference on Computational Methods in Sciences and Enginnering 2003, 12-16/9/2003, Kastoria, Greece. |
A-18 |
A. Liakopoulos, T. Karakasidis: "Two-regime power-law behaviour in a Lennard-Jones fluid", 57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 21-23, 2004, Seattle, USA. |
A-19 |
C. Delouis, G. Vlachos, P. Papanicolaou, A. Liakopoulos: "Assessment of flow regimes in a hydraulic jump by two-strip electrodes", Electrochemical Flow Measurements and Microfluidics, 1-3/7/2004, Poitiers, France. |
A-20 |
T.E. Karakasidis, G. Palamitzoglou, P. Papanicolaou, A. Liakopoulos: "Title Temperature fluctuations in a horizontal round heated jet : a look through time series analysis", International Workshop Towards the Future of Complex Dynamic, 30/5-01/06/2005, Dresden, Germany. |
A-21 |
T.E. Karakasidis, A. Fragkou, A. Liakopoulos, "Binary Lennard-Jones Fluids: A look through time series analysis", Meeting of the American Physical Society, Âaltimore, 13-17 March 2006. |
A-22. |
T.E. Karakasidis, A. Fragkou and A. Liakopoulos, "Nonlinear methods for environmental time-series analysis and forecasting", First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), Skiathos, Greece, June 24 -28, 2007. |
A-23 |
D. Kasiteropoulou, A. Liakopoulos, T. Karakasidis, "Friction laws for planar channels with idealized periodic roughness elements.", 60th Annual Meeting of the Divison of Fluid Dynamics, APS, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 18-20, 2007. |
A-24 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, "Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Channel Flows", Bulletin of the APS 52 (17), 2007. |
A-25 |
T.E. Karakasidis, A. Fragkou and A. Liakopoulos, "Detecting system state transitions in environmental time-series using nonlinear time series analysis'', International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Krakow, Poland, September 5-8, 2010. |
A-26 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, “Slip/No slip existence at the nanoscale”, XXVI Panhelenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Ioannina, 2010. |
A-27 |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, “Investigation of Parameters Affecting Planar Nanochannel Flows by Dissipative Particle Dynamics”, 7th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Halkidiki, Greece, July 2010. |
A-28 |
F. Sofos, T.E. Karakasidis and A. Liakopoulos, “Fluid flow at the nanoscale: how fluid properties deviate from the bulk”, 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11), Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2011. |
A-29 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, “Slip/no-slip existence at the nanoscale”, XXVI Panhelenic Conference on Solid State Physics & Materials Science, Ioannina, September 2011. |
A-30 |
F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos, “Fluid/wall interactions in a nanofluidic system: the interface region”, 9th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN12), Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2012. |
A-31 |
D. Kasiteropoulou, T. Karakasidis, and A. Liakopoulos, “Parameters Affecting Planar Grooved Nanochannel Flows via Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations”, 9th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2012. |
A-32 |
Α.Δ.Φραγκου, Θ.Ε. Καρακασίδης, Ι.Ε. Σαρρής και Α. Λιακόπουλος, «Μελέτη της επίδρασης του μαγνητικού πεδίου σε τυρβώδη ροή μέσω ανάλυσης χρονοσειρών ταχυτήτων, ΡΟΗ 2012, 8ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο για τα Φαινόμενα Ροής Ρευστών, Βόλος, 16-17 Νοεμβρίου 2012. |